by - July 19, 2017


Cancer is a major and rampant health disease that still currently has no major causative factor but yet is suffered by 89% of men and women around the world. Although researches from National 

Cancer Institute says that approximately 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed of cancer in years to come. this is because they have traced that cancers also happens due to genetics and also some specific predisposing factors.

So first of all what is cancer and what causes them to happen?

cancer is termed with the disease condition that occurs due to an abnormal and uncontrollable growth of cells in the body. when these cells begins to divide uncontrollably and excessively they form tumors. Tumors are a group of cells sometimes they cause no harm and sometimes they do. Those tumors that cause no harm do so because the excess cell clumps which it forms possess no ability to reproduce and form new cells. But those that can cause harm do so because they have the ability to produce more and more cells. 

But how does it really kill a person?

when this tumors form and they are not noticed on time or removed they cancerous tumors starts to reproduce more cells. These cells starts to alter the normal functioning of the surrounding cells and necrosis occurs- death of tissues.when these cells spread out they kill the functioning cells or alter their functionality and this kills tissues of organs,disrupts system functioning and it definitely ends at death,if not treated properly. 


well like i said earlier on researches are being made as to the exact cause of cancer in humans. Although it hasn't be found yet,certain reasons have been discovered to being the associate-reason why many people have cancers some of these includes:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Environment.
  • Scented air fresheners and perfumes.
  • Certain bacteria and viral infections.
  • packed foods.
  • Body creams and lotions.
  • Eating Fried and burnt foods.
  • Obesity.

what are the various signs and symptoms of cancer you should be aware of?

 well according to the National Cancer Institute,they have grouped and categorized the various signs and have adviced that anyone with these signs should quickly visit a doctor. some of which includes:

  • Fever.
  • Midnight sweats.
  • Change in bladder or bowel habits.
  • Lump in breast, skin or anywhere else.
  • swelling on lymph nodes [sides of neck].
  • Indigestion
  • coarseness of voice.
  • change in skin color or black mole appearance on skin.
  • persistent sore throats 
  • Blood in coughs.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pain in bones.
  • Vomiting.

Many of this signs and symptoms are signs of some other associated diseases but if you find out that you have more of this signs then i suggest that you should see a doctor as fast as possible.

so now that we have seen the causes,signs and symptoms of cancer lets look at the ways to fight cancer before it happens using natural and God-given foods that have multiple and beneficial components that strongly prevents cancer. Don't worry if you are reading this and you have cancer already believe me this food work greatly and if you dont have please still eat them.lets look at them right now!!!!


1. Cruciferous Vegetables.

This vegetables are one of the best vitamin c sources and is known to be one of the Most Powerful Cancer Killers. They are rich in glutathione,glutathione are strong antioxidants and has a high free-radical-scavenging abilities. Please be aware that a lot of cruciferous vegetables should not be consumed by those with thyroid disease. The reason is because they contain goitrogens which inhibits the iodine up take levels. besides that they are good for every one else and especially cancer patients. They are loaded with phytochemicals like isothiocyanates which prevents cancers. examples of these veggies that you can take includes: broccoli,cauliflowers,cabbage,onions and beets.

2. Wild-Caught Fish.

Wild-fishes especially small fishes like salmons and sardines contains the omega-3 fatty acids. which are highly anti-inflammatory and are correlated with improving brain and nervous system health and functioning. Evident has proven that omega 3 fatty acids helps to preserve muscle mass and even reduce anti-inflammatory response to toxicity. it is widely prescribed in reducing treatment symptoms during chemotherapy.

3. Berries.

All berries are packed with cancer fighting phytonutrients. but black raspberries in particular contains anthocyanins in high concentrations that tremendously slows down the growth of premalignant cells and prevents new blood vessels and cell tissues from forming tumors. studies have shown that if you take black raspberries daily it will keep you far from cancers in long run.

4. Organic Meats.

They are extremely high in vitamin B₁₂ and they provides the body with essential minerals that helps in detoxification and cleansing liver. Their phytosterol as well has be used in the treatments of breast cancers as they assist in blocking estrogen receptors in breast cells. they are rich in selenium and zinc which helps to purify blood and store essential vitamins and iron.

5. Fruits Especially Graviola And Oranges.

This one fruit also known as guyabano or soursop fruits has a networthy cancer-fighter. studies and research shows that they effectively fight colon,breast,ovarian,prostrate,lungs,liver,lymphoma and pancreatic cancers. lab test and researches conducted also shows that they are thousand times better than the Adriamycin used as a common chemotherapy drugs.
Oranges is a citrus fruit high in carotenoids most especially the beta-carotene which boasts immune functioning,detoxifies and and especially fights cancers. Some other fruits high in carotene are; berries,pumpkins and sweet potatoes.  


  • Soft drinks.
  • Conventional diary.
  • Sugars
  • Red meats
  • Soda.
  • Non-organic fruits.
  • Trans-fat foods.
  • Charred or fried foods.

You can try out other supplements that contains these enzymes ad see how that works for you.
  • Vitamin B₁₂
  • vitamin C
  • omega-3- fatty acids.

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